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Fruitsnake Bends is performance-oriented circuit bending. We take instruments and effects that sound boring or dated and turn them into pieces of gear that bring entirely new sounds to the table. We want to make these sounds available to real musicians (the broke ones like us), so we're all about total customization when it comes to your modifications. From just a couple distortion switches to forty-point patch bays, we'll do as much or as little as you want done to your gear. And if you're the DIY type, we're always glad to share our knowledge, wiring diagrams, and anything else to help you with your bending project.

Having bent a lot of gear, we know that it's easy for your tone to get a little out of hand, and that certain sounds work better for certain styles of music. Since the circuit-bent soundscape is so vast, we work individually on every commission to choose bend points and control layouts that work with the sound of your band.

If you want to hear some of our gear in action, you can check out our band, Transporter Room.

Fruitsnake gear is now available for purchase at Detective Squad in Bushwick!

Head on down to 11 Stanwix St. to see a real live Fruitsnake. Hurry, there's probably one, at most, maybe...

This website is no longer being updated, as I have shifted my focus to making music. Feel free to contact me via email with your circuit bending questions.

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